Monday 28 April 2008

Emo Me vs. Logical Me, Episode 1 - Exam's over!!!

April 28, 2008, 3.20pm.

Emo Me: "Yes! Woohoo...! I'm finally out of the place!" (Jumping & dancing like crazy)

Logical Me: "That's great! Now we can get rid our migrains! So, how did it go?"

Emo Me: (Stop dancing, looking uncertainly at Logical Me) "I don't know...I don't really understand the terms in the questions. But who cares!" (Start dancing maniacally again) "No more exams!!!" (Stop for a while) "Well, maybe until a few months later, yeah...!!!!" (Continued dancing)

Logical Me: "Ahem" (poked 3 times on Emo Me) "Sorry to burst your bubble...Do you realise that you'll have to the whole of first year if you fail?!"

Emo Me: (Stop dancing abruptly) (Wailed loudly) "Why can't you just stop reminding me...?"

Logical Me: "I'd love to, honey, but I can't. If I don't remind you, we'll both be fried!"

Emo Me: (Crying out loud) "Waaaahhhh...!!!! Why me....?!!!!!!"

Logical Me: (Sigh defeatedly and muttered) "It's not like we can change that now... I've really got to get us organised...or we'll be dead meat" (Sigh again, rubbing temple) "If I'd listen to me" (shaking head)

Emo Me: "Waaaaaahhhhhhh..............!!!!!

Logical Me: (Sigh!)

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