Tuesday 7 October 2008

Nothing Special, Just Excited!

Well, new semester had started. As expected my first Macro Economics lecturer was boring. But fortunately, I sat at the front rows so I was able to stay awake. But then again, the lecturer is not so bad, of course. Since it's the first lecture, you can say that he's being a bit lenient on us, but I hope I'll be able to stay focused for 14 weeks *xp*. After 2 hours lecture, I dropped the car with my mom in 'Tam Kong' and went home.

I'm a bit excited today. Not only that this Sat I, Amy, & Suet Ling is going to perform a song item entitled "Unreserved Love", but coming up the week after next the C.A.R. & the Petra Angels will be performing for P1 (Program 1)! Well, we've held a meeting just a few hours ago and had a pretty interesting idea on how the performance gonna be. Can't tell you the details now but one thing I can tell you is that, it is gonna be in a form of outreach, so...try not to come alone, okay? The C.A.R. & the Petra Angels will do our best! Fighto - Oh!

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