Thursday 22 July 2010

Just stuff (*shrug*)

I'm rather tired today, but i thought, 'Lets' update my blog,'. I haven't updated it in ages! Anyway, nothing much had happened really. Still going through life as it is. I realized that I haven't been doing a lot of many things so other than the essential things I need and have to do. Here's my not-so-important to do list:
  1. Watch Jigoku Shoujo Live Action-just watched the 1st episode yesterday and it was creepy. I'm not big fan of horror but it wasn't bad. Probably not good for the horror fans but good enough for me, haha.
  2. Watch Hero-for all Lee Junki fans (such as myself) out there. It's his new thing, but you guys probably know already. I haven't started on it but I hope to do it soon.
  3. Watch Koishite Akuma-I'm a crazy vampire fan. Okay, maybe not crazy, crazy. But enough to chase after the movies and books. But I didn't have the initiative to chase after The Vampire Diaries just yet. Naturally, I'll love Twilght and this. Oh, and for those who read, The Morganville Vampire is a good read.
  4. Watch Hidarime Tantei EYE-it sounded interesting anyway.

Yeah, I know, drama series again. But these are what in my mind at this moment.


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