Friday 20 November 2009

A Very Early Morning! Or Late At Night...

Hi, guys!

A very good morning (since it's nearly 1 a.m.). (Everyone: Grunting & Grumbling) What is this psychotic girl doing late at night...?

Well, I crashed the moment I reached home yesterday at almost 7, skipped a normal but delicious dinner (crying) and just slept away....

Why such unusual pattern? You asked.

Two nights before I was finishing my assignment and didn't sleep till 5 in the morning, had to wake up for work and feeling pretty numb for the rest of the day. Then I come home and toiled again till 2++ in the morning and go to college early in the morning. I thought of taking a short wink of sleep, but after awhile I just...drifting off...deeper...and deeper...

Okay, that's enough! I feel like sleeping again. I just woke up and couldn't sleep so I thought maybe just awhile. Plus, I still have my assignments...and lately, I've been on and off coughing, trying to gag my heart out, and no, it's not H1N1. Just a normal cough. The midnight toils aren't helping of course and it's really cold in the morning lately...Anyway, I'm gonna stop here! Love you guys.

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