Tuesday 17 November 2009

Jennifer's Body

Sometime ago, I just needed to chill, so I did something that I haven't done for ages. I went to the movies and watched 'Jennifer's Body'. Well, the movie was...okay, though a little boring.

The show was about this girl in a mental rehab, Needy, who narrates her life story of how she came to be in this state. When she was still normal, her friend, Jennifer, was murdered as a human sacrifice to the demon in a ritual to gain success. This ritual needs a sacrifice of a virgin in order to gain success. If the sacrifice was impure, the exchange still works but a demon will be release and takes over the sacrifice. This demon is called a succubus - flesh eating demon.

It was a little scary when the show introduced the demon possessed Jennifer but the whole show was not that horrifying. The show has a sad climax when Jennifer had been preying on guys for two years and eventually targeted Needy's boyfriend, Chip.

Needy, as the show moves on, knew that Jennifer was different, but was too scared to do any thing-that was until Jennifer's appetite grew and Chip fell prey into her hands. Chip died although not as horribly as the guys before him. Needy managed to save him from being eaten alive, but he had lost too much blood and passed on. Needy killed Jennifer in her bedroom by stabbing her through the heart with a knife. Jennifer's mom heard the commotion and went to check on her and saw what happened and that was how Needy ended up in the mental ward.

During the fight with Jennifer, Jennifer bit Needy in retaliation and some of the demonic powers were transferred to Needy because she was bitten and lived. Using this powers, she freed herself from the ward and sought to avenged Jennifer who became a demon due to the people who sacrificed her.

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