Thursday 22 October 2009

The Dilemma...

Is it wrong to chase after an out of the ordinary dream? I'm kinda attracted to the life of being a celebrity. Is it very wrong to want this things? Don't get me wrong, dear brothers and sisters. The truth is, I don't feel that it is wrong, but I'm rather insecure about the thought.

I'm not the prettiest or anything. I don't see myself as a beauty or a talent that I can be successful in the industry and most importantly, I thought of the things that I have to give up. The risk I have to take. Should I give it a try? I had never developed any passion for anything till this pops up. My head's so full of maybes that my heart shouts out, "Dang it! Just do it!" haha. Should I just follow my heart?

Argh! Bloody heart and mind! I'm getting a migrain over this thing!

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